My future job.

Hello! Sincerely, I am afraid with the idea of finish the career and work as geographer because I have learned the responsibility as professionals in different cases. For example: earthquakes, city planning. Although, I want work in the south of Chile where on rural areas have so much problems with the water, the location of basic services and the potential tourism for your beautiful landscapes and cultures. I don't know very well the salary I expect, I think it depends a lot on whether you work in the public or private sector and the type of work you have to do. Actually, I am take subjects connected with the water. This semester I take a subject of glaciers and they teach up the different types of glaciers, your advance or reverse. Perhaps as I was born in a town, I have a feeling that I should help contribute to the development of other regions because I know and I have always looked in anger that everything stays in the center of Chile. Also I feel that we mus...